The Women’s Advocacy Center & Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Why is this month special? It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Why is it important? It focuses on bringing a difficult subject to the surface with special emphasis and opportunities to discuss how we can be better. It’s a discussion on how we can be better as a society, a community, and as individuals. It’s something that is constantly present, but often forgotten by those unaffected or dismissed by those that aren’t present.

Domestic abuse, sometimes referred to as domestic violence or intimate partner violence, is a pattern of behavior in which one partner in an intimate relationship attempts to harm or injure, threatens to harm or injure, or actually does inflict harm or injury to the other party, their children, or their property. This is done in an effort to exert power and control over the individual. Domestic abuse primarily occurs in a dating relationship or in a marriage. 

The exertion of power and control can take many forms. There can be emotional abuse, financial abuse, mental abuse, spiritual abuse, verbal abuse, and yes, physical abuse. In each instance, the abuser seeks to use some aspect of power and control.

The legal definition of abuse in Tennessee provides that  "'Abuse' means inflicting, or attempting to inflict, physical injury on an adult or minor by other than accidental means, placing an adult or minor in fear of physical harm, physical restraint, malicious damage to the personal property of the abused party, including inflicting, or attempting to inflict, physical injury on any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by an adult or minor, or placing an adult or minor in fear of physical harm to any animal owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the adult or minor;" - T.C.A. Section 36-3-601


So while given a definition, where is the solution?


Right here in our own community, we have a very special organization founded by CEO Romona Jackson called The Women’s Advocacy Center. To put words to the value that Romona, her team, & her organization bring to those in need of help would devalue the whole of what they provide.


Domestic violence is an issue that resonates with many that experience the process of family law. We hold it closely to our hearts and will always do what we can to be a part of the solution. Here are only a few reasons as to why TWAC is an incredible force in eastern Shelby County:


·        90% of women who left an abusive relationship felt empowered and supported to end the cycle of abuse.


·        Over 200 services delivered to women and children including assistance for childcare, counseling, food, housing, transportation and utilities in the past three years. 


·        41% of women in our A.I.M. Program reentered the job market or increased their current income through job readiness coaching and one-on-one mentoring.


·        20% of program graduates serve at various levels in our organization and in the community.


·        100% of clients served, receive assistance, regardless of their ability, age, economic background, nationality, race, or religion.


When we had the opportunity to offer a small form of support by collaborating with Romona & TWAC to create an event to raise awareness and funds for victims in need, it was an easy decision.


On October 6th, 2022 The Women’s Advocacy Center held their inaugural Purple Party Gala. Not only did they achieve their fundraising goals, but they empowered survivors by letting them tell their stories to the community and creating an even higher level of awareness and recognition for all of the things they do. It is without question that this organization will continue to grow in positive ways and have profound impact on our community.


It will not eliminate domestic violence, but it is a way to push back and give survivors in our community a way out. We will never stop supporting those that fight against domestic violence. We look forward to more opportunities to work with TWAC in the future.


If you’re interested in donating to The Women Advocacy Center’s cause or connecting them with someone who needs help, you can find their information and amazing resources on their website:

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